
April Blogging Challenge Day 12: My Favourite Colour

When I think about my favourite colour, it's largely contextual.  I mean, if we're talking about clothing, I generally opt for more neutral colours (blacks, whites, greys).  However, I *have* been branching out of my comfort zone and dipping my toes (so to speak) into the world of purples and I must say that it… Continue reading April Blogging Challenge Day 12: My Favourite Colour

Blogging, Wordful Wednesday

April Blogging Challenge Day 9: My Favourite Quote

Forgive me for posting the quote in French first, but I feel like the English translations don't do the original text justice.  This quote comes from one of my favourite books: The Little Prince (a lovely short book that is filled with metaphors and little bits of wisdom).  The official English translation goes as follows:… Continue reading April Blogging Challenge Day 9: My Favourite Quote

Wordful Wednesday

Wordful Wednesday

I saw this over at The Zero-Waste Chef last week in a post about making tofu.  The words just stood out to me and I wanted to share them with you. I've always been careful with the environment.  I've never been one to litter, I seamlessly jumped on the recycling train (so to speak) and… Continue reading Wordful Wednesday

Wordful Wednesday

Wordful Wednesday

-  MOM, LISTEN TO ME! Unfortunately, I hear these four words almost daily from either one of my kids.  Often, I'm so absorbed with what I'm doing that I hadn't even realized they were talking to me until they utter them.  Sometimes, I actually am listening to them, but get frustrated because I don't understand… Continue reading Wordful Wednesday